- Wählen Sie die richtige Rechtsform - Die Wahl beeinflusst Haftung, Steuern und Verwaltungskosten erheblich.
- Schließen Sie eine wasserdichte Satzung ab - Klare Regeln für Management, Gewinnverteilung und Ausstiegsszenarien sind entscheidend.
- Schützen Sie Ihr geistiges Eigentum - Sichern Sie Ihre Ideen mit Patenten, Marken und Urheberrechten.
- Berücksichtigen Sie Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit - Einhaltung der DSGVO ist für das Vertrauen der Nutzer unerlässlich.
Do you have a brilliant business idea and want to get your start-up off the ground? That’s great! But have you thought about the legal aspects? Don’t worry, with these 5 tips you’ll be on the safe side: 1. choose the right legal form
Whether it’s a GmbH, UG or GbR – the choice of legal form has far-reaching consequences for liability, taxes and administrative costs. Inform yourself thoroughly and seek professional advice if in doubt. 2. conclude a watertight articles of association
The articles of association regulate the rules of the game between the founders. Take the time to clearly regulate important points such as management, profit distribution and exit scenarios. Believe me, this will save you a lot of trouble later on! 3. protect your intellectual property
Your ideas and developments are your most valuable assets. Protect them with patents, trademarks and copyrights. Non-disclosure agreements with employees and partners are also a must. 4. be careful with contracts
From employment contracts to investor deals – every contract needs to be carefully considered. Pay attention to clear wording, fair conditions and proper documentation. This can be decisive in the event of a dispute. 5. take data protection and IT security seriously
As a digital startup, you are particularly reliant on the trust of your users. Make sure that you comply with the GDPR requirements and are technically up to date. Data breaches can not only be expensive, they can also cost you your reputation. Of course, there are many other legal topics that are relevant for start-ups. But with these basics, you are already well equipped. If you want to delve deeper, listen to my podcast. In the current episode Legal basics for startup founders – How to start on the safe side! I talk in detail about the legal pitfalls of founding a company and how to avoid them[1]. Do you still have questions or need support? Feel free to get in touch for a no-obligation initial consultation. My team and I will help you to legally secure your startup so that you can focus on the essentials: building your business and getting it off the ground! I wish you every success on your start-up journey and stay healthy.