- Der Black Friday findet jedes Jahr am letzten Freitag im November nach Thanksgiving statt.
- Die Marke "Black Friday" ist seit 2013 beim DPMA geschützt.
- Super Union Holdings Limited warnt vor der Nutzung des Markennamens.
- Rechtsrat ist empfehlenswert, um rechtliche Probleme zu vermeiden.
This week it starts again. Feels like every retailer has a discount promotion with somehow associated with the color “black”.
Called Black Friday in the U.S., this last Friday in November, which follows Thanksgiving, has made it to Europe in recent years. And as is often the case, where money is made, warning letters are found. However, it should be noted that the trademark “Black Friday” was already protected at the DPMA in 2013.
Super Union Holdings Limited” from Hong Kong, represented by the law firm Hogertz LLP Rechtsanwälte, has not only taken action against other, similar, trademark applications in recent years, but has also repeatedly issued warnings to dealers.
Although the DPMA cancelled the trademarks on the grounds of absolute grounds for refusal, the owners have appealed against this decision. Currently, the trademark is registered as continued and thus has full effect.
The use of the trademark should therefore be carefully considered, as one cannot be sure at present what the status of the proceedings will be and whether the owners will not send out warning letters after all, despite possible claims for damages.
In case of doubt, legal advice should be sought.