Investment advice
Introduction and start-up phase
For many years, I have pursued a comprehensive advisory approach that goes far beyond traditional legal services. In my work, I particularly support start-ups in the foundation phase and with investments by focusing on both legal and strategic aspects. Through my support in founding a company, interested parties gain detailed insights into topics such as choosing the right legal form, liability aspects and the first steps towards capitalization. I attach great importance to laying the foundations for sustainable entrepreneurial success by tailoring the start-up strategy to the individual company. In doing so, I incorporate business and tax considerations in order to develop a tailor-made solution. For me, the early clarification of rights and obligations, for example by drawing up a tailor-made articles of association, forms the basis for solid company development. In doing so, I am guided by the relevant provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) as well as the provisions of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbHG). I accompany the entire formation process – from the application to the commercial register to the drafting of the articles of association – in a structured and legally compliant manner. Through close coordination with other specialist advisors, I ensure that all legal requirements are met and strategic goals are consistently pursued. This enables me to identify and address potential challenges at an early stage and I also place particular emphasis on examining possible financing structures. I analyze different models such as private equity investments, silent partnerships or crowdfunding in detail and implement them in a tailored manner, taking into account the contractual particularities. In doing so, it is a key concern of mine to precisely regulate the interests of all parties involved in the contract in order to avoid disagreements later on. A transparent definition of voting rights, profit sharing and exit modalities contributes to the long-term stability of business relationships. I always base my explanations on a sound legal basis and also include industry-specific standards. Especially for start-ups aiming for rapid growth, it often makes sense to think about a scalable corporate structure as early as the start-up phase. In doing so, I take into account both administrative aspects and the advantages of raising capital flexibly, for example by issuing shares or stock. By working closely with business management experts, I develop a viable financing plan that covers short and long-term capital requirements. In this way, I create the prerequisites for shaping the entrepreneurial development in a strategic and legally secure manner, and I also support the formal requirements in the start-up phase. I provide support with official approvals, application procedures and tax registrations so that delays in the start-up process are avoided. I also identify funding programs and government grants to strengthen the financial foundation of a new company. Through a careful legal review of the funding conditions, I ensure that any repayment obligations or contractual penalties are avoided. I provide systematic documentation of all the steps involved in founding a company in order to make the process transparent and comprehensible – an aspect that is particularly advantageous in the case of official audits. The composition of a competent group of shareholders is also carried out in close consultation with my clients so that decision-making processes, capital increases and possible exit scenarios are clearly regulated. A well thought-out and comprehensive foundation concept thus forms the basis of all further business processes for me. Through the close integration of legal expertise and entrepreneurial experience, I identify potential stumbling blocks at an early stage and lay the foundation for successful company development.
Tailor-made contract creation
The preparation of individualized contracts is a central element of my business consulting services. Especially in complex financing and investment situations, it is crucial to precisely regulate the interests of all parties. I attach great importance to tailoring contracts to the specific needs of each company in order to avoid ambiguities and subsequent disputes from the outset. In doing so, I am guided by the general provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) and incorporate other relevant standards in order to meet the specific requirements of the business model. In close coordination with business and tax advisors, I ensure that fiscal aspects are also taken into account when drafting contracts. Especially with innovative business models, which are often characterized by digital technologies and new market forms, a flexible and at the same time legally secure contract structure is indispensable. By regularly updating contracts, I ensure that they always comply with the current legal framework and the latest case law. In doing so, I integrate practice-relevant details, which are compiled in the knowledge database on forms of financing and investment terms, among other things, in order to offer my clients comprehensive access to information.From my experience, investors, business partners and clients know how important clearly formulated and fairly structured contracts are. Clear and transparent language in the documents helps to ensure that all parties can understand the content. Where necessary, I add explanatory appendices in which technical details or special definitions are precisely set out. The clear regulation of liability issues, warranty claims and termination modalities forms the basis for reliable cooperation. I take particular care to delineate responsibilities so that the respective rights can be clearly assigned in the event of a dispute. Through a well-founded risk assessment of individual clauses, I identify potential weaknesses before the contract is concluded and rectify them if necessary. On request, I can also carry out a comprehensive legal review of the contracts to ensure their validity in court proceedings. For me, the continuous maintenance and adaptation of contracts to changing framework conditions is an integral part of dynamic legal management. In this way, I increase legal certainty and create the basis for trusting and long-term business relationships. Another important aspect of my work is adapting contractual regulations to the different phases of a company. In the start-up phase, I set different priorities than in later growth phases, when new investors and business partners are added. By continuously reviewing existing contracts, I recognize changes in the framework conditions at an early stage and make appropriate amendments. I use supplementary agreements or addenda in a targeted manner in order to take account of the changed circumstances. I guarantee a differentiated legal analysis to ensure that existing rights and obligations are not unintentionally impaired. Flexible contractual clauses allow me to create the necessary room for maneuver without jeopardizing the basic agreements. In a dynamic market environment, it is essential for me to be able to react to new developments without having to accept time-consuming renegotiations. When drafting contracts for cooperation with business partners, suppliers or cooperation partners, I create a reliable basis that reduces the entrepreneurial risk and lays the foundation for sustainable cooperation. The agreement of arbitration tribunals or alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, helps to avoid lengthy court proceedings. Clear rules on jurisdiction and the handling of legal disputes are an integral part of my contracts. Through regular updates, I ensure that all agreements comply with the constantly changing legal framework. Especially in an environment characterized by technical innovations, flexible contract drafting is indispensable. For example, I integrate specific liability regulations and data protection provisions when digital platforms or technologies are integrated. By drafting contracts with foresight, I identify risks at an early stage and implement suitable protection mechanisms. This combination of legal precision and the integration of up-to-date, industry-specific information enables me to pursue a continuously evolving contractual strategy. In this way, I create a reliable cornerstone for legally compliant and strategically oriented corporate management, and ongoing coordination with my contractual partners and the involvement of external experts in the drafting process are essential elements of a transparent and efficient work process for me. I eliminate any uncertainties at an early stage through regular training and continuous exchange with all parties involved. I always ensure that the contracts are adapted to new legal developments. The close integration of legal, business and technical aspects enables me to develop a sustainable and future-oriented contract strategy that ensures the long-term success of business relationships.
Support during investment negotiations
The search for capital and strategic investments requires careful preparation and sound investment negotiations. In my work, I attach great importance to focusing on both legal and business aspects and to harmonizing the interests of all parties involved in the best possible way. At the beginning of an investment project, I draw up a term sheet, which serves as the basis for the detailed drafting of the final contract documents. For me, this document defines the framework in which all key points – such as the distribution of shares, voting rights, liquidation preferences and co-determination rights – are precisely regulated. The clear formulation of exit clauses and blocking minorities is particularly important to me in order to ensure the long-term success of the investment. In addition, I negotiate vesting provisions that define the conditions under which shares can be acquired or withdrawn in order to ensure a long-term commitment between investors, founders and employees. The legal review and negotiation of these provisions always takes into account the current legal situation and relevant case law. By providing professional support throughout the entire process, I ensure that the interests of all parties are safeguarded and forward-looking solutions are found, modifying existing articles of association or bylaws as necessary during the negotiations in order to ensure that the entry of new investors is legally compliant. The adaptation of the corporate legal basis is always carried out in close consultation with the parties involved and in compliance with the applicable legal requirements. I make targeted use of instruments such as the introduction of new shares or the adjustment of capital reserves in order to adapt the corporate structure to the new requirements. At the same time, I integrate regulations on vesting and employee retention agreements in order to secure entrepreneurial know-how in the long term. Through these measures, I create a balanced relationship between the interests of the founders and those of the investors. The professional support I provide during investment negotiations enables me to draft all contracts in a legally secure and economically viable manner. A clear and transparent basis for communication is essential in order to avoid misunderstandings and conduct negotiations efficiently. For me, the strategic planning and negotiation of investment conditions are an essential building block for the long-term success of the company, and I attach particular importance to the definition of milestones for the structured planning of financing rounds, which serve as triggers for further capital inflows. This approach enables me to build up the company’s financing step by step so that each phase builds on the success of the previous one. I work closely with business and legal experts to optimize the respective framework conditions. The legal structuring of liquidation preferences, conversion rights and preferred shares is one of the instruments I use specifically to secure priority payouts for investors in the event of a company sale. It is important to me that these regulations are in a balanced relationship with the interests of all shareholders. A detailed examination and drafting of these regulations prevents later conflicts and creates a solid basis for the entry of further investors. Through close coordination and structured planning of the financing rounds, I react flexibly to new developments without jeopardizing legal and economic stability. Overall, I consider this structured approach to be a decisive factor in the sustainable and successful implementation of investment projects, and the continuous coordination with my negotiating partners and the involvement of external experts in the process make a significant contribution to ensuring that all contractual agreements are legally secure and economically viable. I use modern means of communication and structured negotiation processes to ensure transparent documentation of all progress. I attach great importance to the clear definition of responsibilities and decision-making powers in order to ensure that negotiations run efficiently. Through the iterative exchange and regular review of the negotiation results, I ensure that the agreements reached are always adapted to the dynamic market. For me, this structured approach forms the basis for a successful investment project that supports the company’s long-term growth trajectory.
Holistic approach for sustainable success
The combination of my legal expertise and my entrepreneurial experience forms the foundation of my holistic consulting approach. With this integrated concept, I ensure that I consider both immediate legal issues and long-term strategic decisions for the company’s development. Continuously reviewing and adapting legal structures to changing market conditions is essential for me. As the value of the company increases and the complexity of the business relationships grows, I ensure that all legal and business aspects are harmoniously integrated. This enables me to identify potential risks at an early stage and develop proactive solutions to ensure the company’s long-term success. An important part of my holistic approach is the close cooperation with a network of experts from various fields. By integrating business, tax and technical experts, I create a comprehensive consulting platform that covers all relevant aspects of corporate development. This interdisciplinary approach enables me to look at complex challenges from different perspectives and develop tailor-made solutions. Continuous further training and exchanges with colleagues and industry experts are essential for me to keep up to date with the latest legal developments and business trends. Through this combination of legal expertise and entrepreneurial experience, I create a sustainable basis for the success of my clients, and I also attach great importance to providing my clients with personal support. Through regular discussions and open communication, I create a trusting relationship that enables me to understand the specific needs and goals of my clients. This proximity to the decision-makers allows me to react in good time to changes in the market environment and develop proactive solutions. The combination of legal precision and entrepreneurial foresight enables me to continuously accompany and support my clients on their path to success.