- Die EU plant eine Überarbeitung der Regeln zur Koordinierung der sozialen Sicherheitssysteme für Arbeitnehmer.
- A1-Zertifikat ist für Geschäftsreisen in andere EU-Länder nicht mehr erforderlich.
- Job Suchenden wird mehr Zeit gegeben, um im Ausland eine Anstellung zu finden.
- Die Vereinbarung muss noch vom Europäischen Parlament und dem Rat formal angenommen werden.
I recently reported, admittedly somewhat outside my area of law, that you would need an A1 certificatefor business trips in other EU countries.
The bureaucratic chaos has probably startled the EU and made a decision on this, as well as some other points.
To make living and working in the EU easier for all EU citizens in the future, the European rules on the coordination of social security systems are to be revised. The revision of the current rules is intended to ensure that the rules remain fair, clear, and easier to enforce. Innovations include giving job seekers more time to find work abroad and addressing the need for long-term care for elderly people living abroad. It is not necessary to apply for an A1 posting form for business trips to other EU countries. In addition, national authorities will be given better tools to combat abuse or fraud and to verify the social security status of workers posted abroad.
The agreement still has to be formally adopted by both the European Parliament and the Council. However, it can be assumed that for the time being there will be no more fines abroad or even controls.