Legal organization and entrepreneurial structuring of influencer start-ups and personal brands
Taking on investors in a startup: timing, risks and legal framework
Startups in the legal gray area: permissibility and limits of innovative business models
Moral and legal aspects of “Trust among founders”
Honesty and fair pricing for start-ups (SaaS, mobile apps and digital services)
Creating contracts with face models and voice models: A guide for the gaming industry
Legally compliant archiving of emails: legal requirements and practical implementation
License agreements for software start-ups
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Support with the foundation
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in corporate disputes
Drafting contracts in the context of agile working methods: Scrum and Co.
joint venture
partnership limited by shares kgaa
Digitalization and contract law: Electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation
Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Beware of fake streaming offers
Data trusteeship in IoT projects

AI in law: opportunities, risks and regulation – the IT Media Law Podcast Episode 3

Key Facts
  • Die Episode beleuchtet die Auswirkungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz auf unser Rechtssystem und soziale Veränderungen.
  • Jurist Marian Härtel diskutiert rechtliche Herausforderungen, insbesondere in den Bereichen Daten­schutz und Haftung.
  • Wichtige Fragen zur Fairness und Transparenz von KI-Systemen und notwendigen Anpassungen im Gesellschaftsrecht werden erörtert.

Welcome to the third episode of our podcast “IT Media Law”!
In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its far-reaching impact on our legal system.
Lawyer Marian Härtel sheds light on the many possible applications of AI, discusses legal challenges in areas such as data protection, liability and ethics and takes a look at the profound social changes that this technology brings with it.
Find out what potential AI offers, but also what risks are associated with it.
How can we ensure that AI systems operate fairly, transparently and in line with our values?
What adjustments need to be made to company law in order to keep pace with the upheavals in the world of work and corporate structures?
And how will the upcoming phase of market consolidation affect the development of AI?
Whether you are a lawyer, IT expert, entrepreneur or interested citizen – this episode offers you valuable food for thought and insights into one of the most exciting areas of law of our time.
Join Marian Härtel on a journey at the intersection of law and digitalization and discover how we can actively shape the future of artificial intelligence.
Listen in now!  

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