- Rechtliche Beratung ist für Startups entscheidend, um rechtliche Probleme zu vermeiden und Vertrauen bei Kunden aufzubauen.
- Die Vorbereitung auf Investitionsrunden und die Einhaltung von rechtlichen Strukturen sind entscheidend für den langfristigen Unternehmens Erfolg.
This episode of the ITmedialaw.com podcast is all about the importance of legal advice for startups. Host Marian Härtel talks to four successful founders – Sarah, Tom, Lisa and Max – about their experiences and the reasons why they invested in legal support. The discussion begins with the challenges of starting a business and the need for a solid legal foundation. Our guests share powerful anecdotes about their first steps and the pivotal moments when legal advice helped them avoid potential problems. Another focus is on the creation of Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) and how these are an important signal of trust to customers. The founders will talk about their experiences with legal due diligence in the context of investment rounds and explain how thorough preparation not only provides legal certainty but also strengthens investor confidence. In addition, the topic of employee participation via VSOP programs and the challenges associated with the internationalization of a company will be addressed. The guests emphasize how important it is to involve experts in good time and to regularly review the legal structures. Finally, the founders give valuable tips for other startups and show that legal advice is far more than just a chore – it is a crucial factor for the long-term success of a company. Listen in and be inspired!