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Team: Saskia Härtel – WHO AM I?


The pillar of the firm

My name is Saskia Härtel. I was born in the summer of 1979 in Jena, Thuringia. After graduating from high school in 1998, I completed an apprenticeship as a paralegal at the law firm Fuß Teubner Rosenberger ( ). After successfully passing my final exams in 2001, I moved to Frankfurt am Main, where I started my professional career as a partner assistant with Dr. Dieter Baas at Allen & Overy LLP (

This was followed by positions as assistant to the head of the legal department of KfW Bankengruppe (, office manager at Grolman.Result ( , assistant at Shearman & Sterling LLP ( and assistant at Roland Berger (


Great experience

Strong personality

In the summer of 2012 it was time for a change of scenery and a move from the Main to the Spree followed. Once I arrived in Berlin, I was able to contribute to Bombardier ( as Assistant to the Managing Director Controlling.

In 2014, I spontaneously moved to the toy industry, to the MyToys Group (, where I was able to get to know a completely different sector as an assistant to the management.

Eventually, though, I realized where I belonged, in a law firm. That’s why I went back “to my last” to CMS Hasche Sigle ( in 2016. There, alongside the Managing Partner and in the Mergers & Acquisitions team, I was able to optimally contribute my entire know-how.

After many things changed privately in 2016 – Marian and I said yes to each other – our daughter completed our family in 2017.

Support for the family

HIlfe for Marian

Since then, I’ve been a happy family manager and proud working mom.

In order to be able to cope well with all the challenges in this context, the first discussions between Marian and me began in 2020, which led to my leaving CMS at the beginning of 2022 to pursue a joint project with him. Among other things, we found out that we not only make a great team in our private lives, but that we can also work very well together.

That’s why I’m even happier now that we’re a strong team filling the office together with lots of life and laughter. I am the one who supports Marian in all matters concerning the law firm and keeps his back free so that he can exclusively take care of the clients.

I am sure that my experience from the past 22 years will help me a lot to support our clients in the best possible way.