Legal organization and entrepreneurial structuring of influencer start-ups and personal brands
Taking on investors in a startup: timing, risks and legal framework
Startups in the legal gray area: permissibility and limits of innovative business models
Moral and legal aspects of “Trust among founders”
Honesty and fair pricing for start-ups (SaaS, mobile apps and digital services)
Creating contracts with face models and voice models: A guide for the gaming industry
Legally compliant archiving of emails: legal requirements and practical implementation
License agreements for software start-ups
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Support with the foundation
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in corporate disputes
Drafting contracts in the context of agile working methods: Scrum and Co.
joint venture
partnership limited by shares kgaa
Digitalization and contract law: Electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation
Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Beware of fake streaming offers
Data trusteeship in IoT projects

Blockchain start-ups: key aspects for success

Key Facts
  • Wesentliche Aspekte für den Erfolg von Blockchain-Startups umfassen die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Technologie sowie finanzielle Optionen wie ICOs und STOs.
  • Die Zusammenstellung des richtigen Teams und die Entwicklung eines soliden, skalierbaren Geschäftsmodells sind entscheidend für langfristigen Erfolg.

In this in-depth conversation with Chris Eberl from 1Pitch, we shed light on the key aspects that are crucial to the success of blockchain startups.
We discuss in detail the unique challenges and opportunities that this innovative technology brings, from technical hurdles to regulatory uncertainties.
You will learn in detail what is important when developing a blockchain-based business idea and which legal framework conditions must be observed in this rapidly developing area.
A particular focus is on the various financing options, from traditional venture capital to innovative models such as initial coin offerings (ICOs) or security token offerings (STOs).
We will talk about the importance of putting together the right team and discuss which skills should be represented in a successful blockchain startup.
You will also gain valuable insights into the development of a solid and scalable business model in the blockchain sector.
We will highlight strategies for successful market positioning and how to deal with the rapid technological developments in this sector.
Finally, we give you practical tips on how to position your blockchain startup for long-term success.
This video provides essential insights for anyone looking to launch a blockchain startup, invest in this space or integrate the technology into existing business models.

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