Legal organization and entrepreneurial structuring of influencer start-ups and personal brands
Taking on investors in a startup: timing, risks and legal framework
Startups in the legal gray area: permissibility and limits of innovative business models
Moral and legal aspects of “Trust among founders”
Honesty and fair pricing for start-ups (SaaS, mobile apps and digital services)
Creating contracts with face models and voice models: A guide for the gaming industry
Legally compliant archiving of emails: legal requirements and practical implementation
License agreements for software start-ups
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Support with the foundation
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in corporate disputes
Drafting contracts in the context of agile working methods: Scrum and Co.
joint venture
partnership limited by shares kgaa
Digitalization and contract law: Electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation
Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Beware of fake streaming offers
Data trusteeship in IoT projects

How Marian Härtel helps clients

Key Facts
  • Marian Härtel bietet umfassende rechtliche Beratung in IT-Recht, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Blockchain.
  • Er agiert als strategischer Partner und nutzt seine Erfahrung im IT-Sektor zur Optimierung von Geschäftsstrukturen.
  • Holistic support umfasst Unternehmensgründung, Finanzierung und Wachstum für Kunden in Spiele, Blockchain und E-Sports.
  • Härtels offene und kompetente Art kombiniert rechtliche Exzellenz mit unternehmerischem Denken und Leidenschaft für Innovation.

In this video, you will learn how lawyer Marian Härtel helps his clients in various areas of law and provides them with comprehensive advice.
As an expert in IT law, copyright law, competition law and with a particular focus on the areas of games, e-sports, media and blockchain, Marian Härtel has established himself as a lawyer in forward-looking industries.
The video highlights how Marian Härtel not only provides excellent legal advice, but also acts as a strategic partner and advisor.
Thanks to his experience as an entrepreneur in the IT sector, he has valuable insights and creative ideas for optimizing business structures.
He understands the challenges and opportunities of the industry and supports his clients in achieving their goals effectively and with legal certainty.
Find out how Marian Härtel supports his clients in areas such as the development of computer games, blockchain solutions, trading platforms and success in the esports industry.
With his expertise and network in these dynamic industries, he is the ideal partner for companies that want to steer safely and successfully into the future.
The video also shows how Marian Härtel provides his clients with holistic support – from company formation to financing and growth.
His open, honest and competent manner as well as his passion for technology and innovation make him a lawyer who advises with foresight and combines legal excellence with entrepreneurial thinking.
If you would like to find out more about how Marian Härtel helps his clients and what services he offers, you can read more on this page.
Do not hesitate to contact Marian Härtel if you are looking for a lawyer who will represent your interests with competence and commitment and stand by your side as a strong partner.

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