Legally compliant archiving of emails: legal requirements and practical implementation
License agreements for software start-ups
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Support with the foundation
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in corporate disputes
Drafting contracts in the context of agile working methods: Scrum and Co.
joint venture
partnership limited by shares kgaa
Digitalization and contract law: Electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation
Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Beware of fake streaming offers
Data trusteeship in IoT projects
German courts have jurisdiction at .de Domain
Looking to the future: How technology is changing the law
Risks when hosting personal data on US cloud servers
Liability under Art. 82 GDPR for sending forged invoices!
Creating contracts with face models and voice models: A guide for the gaming industry
Sustainable contract design for green start-ups: legal aspects


Blogpost - individual videos
43 videos

In this category you will find video summaries of selected blog posts!

Information videos - about Marian Härtel
47 videos

Individual videos on information that is not directly related to a blog post or other article.

Other videos
3 videos

In this section I collect other videos that explain certain aspects or do not fit into other sections!

10 videos

In this category you will find all the short videos I have created so that you don't have to search through each blog post individually.

Third-party videos
2 videos

Videos created by third parties about me.

Videos on services
11 videos

In this category you will find all short videos about my services and offers.