Blog or knowledge base?
- Wissensdatenbank bietet allgemeine Informationen über Rechtsgebiete, die leicht verständlich und zugänglich sind.
- Blogposts ermöglichen individuelle Erklärungen und persönliche Einblicke, die aktuelle Entwicklungen detailliert besprechen.
As the operator of, I have made it my mission to create a platform that contains both a knowledge base and blogposts. Both functions are designed to impart knowledge, but with different emphases and approaches. In this article, I’ll detail how I design the knowledge base and blogposts to minimize overlap in content and meaning, and how I technically try to link the two functions effectively.
The knowledge base: basic information
The knowledge base is designed as a kind of reference work. My goal is to provide general and basic information on various topics, especially related to areas of law. The content should be easy to understand and accessible.
- Generality: The knowledge base contains general information that is not particularly individual or detailed.
- Fundamentals: It focuses on basic concepts and terms.
- Compactness: articles are usually shorter and more concise than blogposts.
The blogposts: Detailed and individual elaborations
The blogposts are designed to provide detailed and individualized explanations on various topics. Here I have the opportunity to dive deeper into certain topics, discuss current developments and share my personal insights and experiences.
- Richness of detail: Blogposts often contain extensive information and go into details.
- Individuality: They may contain personal opinions, insights and experiences.
- Topicality: Blogposts can address current issues and developments.
Technical linking and integration
I’m working on technically linking the knowledge base and blogposts as best I can. This means that when a particular term or concept is mentioned in a blog post, the reader has the option to go directly to the knowledge base to get basic information on that topic. Conversely, readers of the knowledge base can be referred to relevant blogposts if they are interested in exploring a topic in more depth.
Challenges and ongoing work
One of the challenges is to design the content so that it complements each other without overlapping. This requires careful planning and coordination of content. I’m also working on the technical implementation to allow seamless integration and linking between the knowledge base and the blogposts.
The knowledge base and the blogposts on are two different but complementary resources. While the knowledge base aims to provide basic and general information, the blogposts offer detailed and individual elaborations on various topics. I strive to effectively link both features to provide readers with a comprehensive and enriching reading experience. It is important to understand that the knowledge base is not intended to replace the depth and individuality of blogposts, but to serve as a supplemental resource to help readers understand basic concepts and terms. I am constantly striving to improve the platform and welcome feedback and suggestions.