Federal Council

Federal Council

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Federal Council


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Federal Council

Wichtigste Punkte
  • Der Bundesrat ist entscheidend für die Bundesgesetzgebung und die Vertretung der Interessen der Länder auf Bundesebene.
  • Er spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in den EU-Angelegenheiten und muss Gesetze in Bezug auf diese zustimmen.

The Bundesrat is one of the five permanent constitutional bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany and plays a crucial role in the country’s political system. As the representative of the 16 federal states, it participates in federal legislation and administration as well as in European Union affairs.

History and development

The Federal Council has its roots in the Federal Council of the German Empire, which was founded in 1867. After the Second World War, the modern Bundesrat was established by the Basic Law of 1949 as the representation of the Länder in the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany.

Role and functions

Participation in legislation

The Federal Council participates in federal legislation. Many laws, especially those affecting the states, require the approval of the Bundesrat. It may also introduce its own legislative initiatives.

Representation of country interests

The Bundesrat represents the interests of the federal states at the federal level. The members of the Bundesrat are members of the state governments, and the states thus have a direct influence on federal policy.

Role in the European Union

The Federal Council is also active in European Union affairs. It must approve laws concerning EU matters and has the right to issue opinions on EU projects.

Executive review

The Bundesrat also has a supervisory function vis-à-vis the federal government in certain matters, particularly with regard to the implementation of federal law by the states.


The Federal Council consists of members of the state governments who are delegated by them. The number of votes each country has in the Federal Council depends on its population. There are 69 votes in total, distributed among the 16 countries.

Mode of operation

The Federal Council usually meets once a month. The meetings are chaired by the President of the Federal Council, who rotates annually. The countries vote as a unit, i.e. each country must cast its votes uniformly.

Significance for the federal system

The Bundesrat is an essential element of the federal system in Germany. It ensures that the states are involved in federal legislation and that their interests are represented at the federal level.

Challenges and criticism

Critics often criticize the intransparency of the Federal Council and the fact that its members are not directly elected. In addition, there is criticism that the states must cast their votes uniformly, which often leads to complex negotiations within state governments.


The Bundesrat is a central institution in Germany’s political system. As the representative of the states, it plays a decisive role in the legislation and administration of the federal government. It is an important counterweight to the power of the Bundestag and the federal government and ensures that the interests of the states are taken into account at the federal level.

Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel ist spezialisiert auf die Rechtsgebiete Wettbewerbsrecht, Urheberrecht und IT/IP Recht und hat seinen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Computerspiele, Esport, Marketing und Streamer/Influencer. Er betreut Startups im Aufbau, begleitet diese bei sämtlichen Rechtsproblemen und unterstützt sie im Business Development.

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