What this knowledge base is NOT
- Itmedialaw.com bietet eine Wissensdatenbank für relevante Rechtsgebiete in der heutigen technologiegetriebenen Welt.
- Die Datenbank konzentriert sich auf spezifische Bereiche des Rechts, wie IT-Recht, Urheberrecht und Datenschutz.
- Es handelt sich nicht um eine Wiki und kann nicht von Benutzern bearbeitet werden.
- Ziel ist es, Lesern eine einfach verständliche Übersicht über rechtliche Begriffe zu bieten, ohne komplexe Materialien durchwühlen zu müssen.
In today’s information society, it is important to me that my readers have access to reliable and accurate information, especially when it comes to specialized areas such as the law. This is why I created the knowledge base on Itmedialaw.com. In this article I would like to explain what this knowledge base is and, equally important, what it should not be.
What is the Itmedialaw.com knowledge base?
The Knowledge Base at Itmedialaw.com is an online resource I developed to provide basic information and insight into specific areas of law. It focuses on topics and terms relevant to the areas of law I write about on Itmedialaw.com.
Specific areas of law
The knowledge base focuses on specific areas of law that are relevant in today’s technology-driven world. This includes IT law, copyright law, data protection, e-commerce law, and other related areas of law.
What the knowledge base should not be
No wiki
Itmedialaw.com knowledge base is not a wiki. Unlike wikis, which can be edited by users, Itmedialaw.com’s knowledge base is a resource curated by me. No collaborators are sought, and users have no ability to edit or change content.
No substitute for Wikipedia or other sources
The Knowledge Base is not intended to replace Wikipedia or other comprehensive sources of information. While Wikipedia and similar sources often provide more up-to-date and comprehensive information, the knowledge base aims to provide more specific information tailored to particular areas of law.
Aim of the knowledge base
The main goal of the knowledge base is to give readers of my blog articles a quick and brief, but not overly complex, overview of some of the legal terms mentioned in the blog posts. I want readers to be able to understand the basics of a concept or topic without having to dig through extensive and complex materials. It is important to me that the information is accessible and easy to understand.
Itmedialaw.com’s Knowledge Base is a specialized online resource that I developed to provide my readers with basic information about specific areas of law. It is not a wiki and is not intended to be a substitute for comprehensive information sources such as Wikipedia. Instead, it focuses on providing specific and curated information relevant to the areas of law I write about on Itmedialaw.com.