Youth Protection Act
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Youth Protection Act


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Key Facts
  • Youth Protection Act: Important law in Germany for the protection of children and young people in public and in the media.
  • Age limits: regulates consumption of alcohol and tobacco; prohibits sale to under-18s, with exceptions for beer, wine and sparkling wine.
  • Public stays: Children under 16 may only visit restaurants with a parent or guardian, except at special events.
  • Media control: Films and computer games must have an age rating from the FSK or USK; sale to minors is prohibited.
  • Online protection: Providers must protect harmful content through age verification and special programs.
  • Enforcement: Authorities monitor compliance; violations can be punished with fines or imprisonment.
  • Significance: The Youth Protection Act is crucial for the well-being of children and young people and their protection from harmful influences.


The German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG) is an important law in Germany that regulates the protection of children and young people in public, in the media, and in the use of certain products. It sets age limits for the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, regulates access to movies and computer games, and protects minors from harmful influences. In this article, we will examine in detail the various aspects of the Protection of Minors Act.

History and background

The Protection of Minors Act was first adopted in 2003 and has undergone several amendments since then. It replaces the previously applicable Act on the Protection of Minors in Public and the Act on the Dissemination of Publications and Media Content Harmful to Minors.

Main provisions of the Protection of Minors Act

Protection in public

  • Stay in restaurants: Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to stay in restaurants without being accompanied by a person authorized to have custody or a person responsible for their upbringing, unless it is a trip or a comparable event.
  • Tobacco products and alcohol: The sale and distribution of tobacco products and alcohol to children and adolescents under the age of 18 are prohibited. Exceptions apply to beer, wine, and sparkling wine, which may be sold to youth 16 and older.
  • Participation in games of chance: Minors are prohibited from participating in games of chance.

Protection from media harmful to minors

  • Age rating for films and games: Films and computer games must be reviewed and given an age rating by the Voluntary Self-Regulation Body for the Film Industry (FSK) or the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK).
  • Sale and rental of media: The sale and rental of films and games to children and young people below the specified age rating are prohibited.
  • Content harmful to minors: Content classified as harmful to minors may not be sold or made available to minors.

Protection on the Internet

  • Youth protection programs: Internet content providers must ensure that content harmful to minors is only accessible to adults. This can be done through age verification systems or special parental control programs.

Enforcement and sanctions

Compliance with the Youth Protection Act is monitored by the relevant authorities. Violations may result in fines and, in serious cases, imprisonment.


The Protection of Minors Act plays a crucial role in protecting children and young people from harmful influences and dangers in public and in the media. It is important that parents, guardians, retailers and media providers are aware of and comply with the provisions of the Youth Protection Act to ensure the well-being of the younger generation.

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