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03322 5078053

AI in contract drafting: an honest insight from my practice

From traditional templates to the AI revolution

As a contract lawyer who is deeply rooted in the digital world, I would like to give you a candid insight into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work. Yes, I use AI to draft contracts, but that’s just the beginning of the process. We used to rely on templates and samples to save time and cover all legal aspects. AI is the modern continuation of this method, providing us with fast and suitable designs. But that is only the first step. AI is a tool, not a substitute for our experience and expertise. Our clients value us for our years of experience and know-how, not just for our ability to type texts.

The concern of some colleagues that clients might be skeptical about the use of AI is understandable, but in my experience it is largely unfounded. Openness and transparency in this process are crucial. When clients understand that AI is simply a tool that makes the process more efficient without compromising quality, they are often even impressed by the innovation and efficiency we bring to our work.

The process: AI designs and human fine-tuning

In my practice, I often start with an AI-generated design. The crucial part, however, is the fine-tuning. I spend hours developing a careful prompt that determines the structure of the AI design. This is followed by an intensive adaptation process in which I revise, correct and expand the text to ensure that it exactly meets my clients’ needs. I use AI as a large language model that formulates texts according to my specifications, but it can’t guess my knowledge or the specific content I want in the text. The final responsibility and fine-tuning always lie with me.

This process allows me to increase the efficiency of my work without compromising on quality. It is a balance between the use of modern technology and the preservation of the essential human element in legal advice. By combining AI with human expertise, we as lawyers can respond more quickly to our clients’ needs while ensuring that contracts are customized and legally sound.

Incidentally, I also support other law firms in implementing AI, as I am convinced that this is a win-win situation for everyone involved. You benefit from my experience and avoid the pitfalls that can come with new technologies. My use of AI is limited to areas where I have in-depth knowledge and experience so that I can effectively review and adapt the designs generated by the AI.

Overall, my experience shows that AI can be a valuable tool for legal practice if used correctly. It’s not about replacing the human element, but rather about enhancing our capabilities and enabling us to work more efficiently and effectively. The key is to see AI as a complement and use it in areas where it can support our work without undermining the importance of our expertise and experience.

Picture of Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel is a lawyer and entrepreneur specializing in copyright law, competition law and IT/IP law, with a focus on games, esports, media and blockchain.


03322 5078053


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