- Wichtige Themen wie Professionalität und rechtliche Probleme der Games-Industrie werden bei Devcom und Gamescom besprochen.
- Zusätzliche Treffen sind verfügbar; Interessierte können mich für ein Kaffee kontaktieren und rechtliche Fragen stellen.
The next few days I’ll be on site in Cologne to meet clients or colleagues and discuss new trends in the esports and games industry at Devcom, the VGBA (Video Game Bar Association) Meetup and Gamescom.
This year, the topic of esports is much larger in Cologne and I hope to be able to have good discussions about the professionalization of the industry, but of course also to discuss legal problems around the games industry together with colleagues from the VGBA.
There are still a few meeting spots available, so anyone who wants to meet me and confront me with legal issues is always very welcome for a coffee or other beverage. Of course, you can also request an appointment via my new chat options. I try to respond as soon as possible!