- Wichtigste rechtliche Fragen betreffen Sicherheitstoken, NFT und Blockchain in der Games- und Esports-Branche.
- Es wird ein Webinar angeboten, wenn genügend Interesse an der Diskussion der Tokenisierung und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten besteht.
I’ve been a little less active here on the blog this past month. The reason is my work for two big clients, a skillgaming sector and a much bigger client that will launch tokenized profit participation rights in the future to finance very extensive activities in computer game publishing and esports. Especially with the second client, there are therefore a lot of legal questions around the legal nature of things like security tokens, utility tokens, blockchain currencies, NFT in computer games or mobile apps, and much more. Of course, I would like to discuss many of the basic legal issues on the blog and, for example, show the great possibilities for financing esport activities, for example, with the help of the sale of tokens and other tokenized corporate bonds. I would be very interested to know if anyone in the games and esports industry has dealt with this or is interested in it? Feedback, including on specific questions, is very helpful. In addition, I am considering offering a webinar on these issues. But that only makes sense if enough people are interested in the topic!