- Die Jurisdiktion beeinflusst die Werbung von Influencern und Rechtsfragen können kostspielig sein.
- Die Medienanstalten's Anleitung bietet eine hilfreiche Quelle für die Kennzeichnung in sozialen Medien.
- Professionelle Beratung von einem erfahrenen Anwalt ist unerlässlich für Influencer.
- Die Gewerbeanmeldung ist nicht zwingend erforderlich, um kommerziell zu handeln.
Now I have already written many times about the topic of influencers, separation bids or advertising labels in the blog and thus also gave many helpful hints. One can criticize the current tendency of the jurisprudence (even if there are correct aspects), but ignoring it is not a good idea at the moment. Especially warning associations are currently very active in this area and warnings can not only become costly, but above all trigger complicated questions about whether and against the signing of declarations of injunctions. Even if I can give comprehensive advice on these topics, everyone can inquire, with me on the blog, but also in other sources, and at least make rudimentary precautions. A thoroughly successful source is the Medienanstalten’s guide to labeling in social media offerings, which can be downloaded as a PDF at the link above.
Especially with professional influencers or agencies, he does not replace professional advice with an experienced lawyer, but he does exactly what he wants to be: a guide.
It is thus a good addition to the FAQ and other information for streamers, for example, that I presented in this post. In eight other points, the guide also shows how the media institutions view the current legal situation. Therefore: definitely worth a look.
By the way, another small comment: I have already mentioned several times in various posts that one is more quickly regarded as a commercial i.s. of many regulations: However, the business registration itself is not a prerequisite for this. I often have to hear that one is not registered with the trade office and therefore does not act commercially. This is usually doubly wrong, because the business registration, or the confirmation of the registration, is nothing more than a written confirmation that the registration obligation has been complied with. Therefore, it is not, of course, a prerequisite for commerciality, but rather a fine that the application was not made in due time.