- OLG Düsseldorf hat die Rechtsnorm über die fliegende Jurisdiktion für YouTube Videos erneut aufgehoben.
- Die Gerichtsbarkeit basiert nun auf dem Wohnsitz des Videopublishers, nicht auf dem Verbreitungskanal.
A few days ago, I reported that the Düsseldorf Regional Court kept the flying jurisdiction for legal issues on YouTube alive(see this blog post). Now the OLG Düsseldorf has overturned this ruling and allows the jurisdiction to die again.
In fact, the OLG Düsseldorf ruled in a decision on Tuesday that the restriction of the flying jurisdiction in Sec. 14 para. 2 p. 3 no. 1 UWG (amended only in December of last year) should not be interpreted restrictively against the wording. According to the court, the restriction should not only apply to competition violations that require action in electronic commerce or via telemedia.
Thus, even for the publication of promotional videos on YouTube, the court would have to be chosen that has jurisdiction over the person who published or uploaded the video (for example, the registered office or place of residence). Thus, whether the publication of a video leads to a violation of the prohibition of misleading statements, for example, or whether the legal question is linked to the distribution channel, is now irrelevant for the determination of the court’s jurisdiction.