- Die Umstellung auf AMP verbessert die Ladezeiten von Inhalten auf mobilen Geräten und erhöht die Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
- Das Design ist rudimentär, aber die Lesbarkeit der Inhalte bleibt hoch, wobei Tablets eine angepasste Version erhalten.
As more and more people also visit my homepage and my more than 1200 articles on mobile devices, view it and send me contact requests via my live chat, I changed the page to AMP over the weekend over many hours.
Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP for short, was created in 2015 by Google and several other major content publishers and technology companies and has been continuously evolving ever since. This is an open source initiative aimed at significantly reducing the loading time of content on mobile devices.
The design on AMP is more rudimentary, as if you look at the website on a PC and also more rudimentary than in a version – only – optimized for mobile devices. I think the current design of the AMP version is nevertheless very successful and the contents are very readable. If you still want to view the old mobile page, you can click on the corresponding link in the footer.
As always with innovations, I need feedback, also if there are errors on a particular mobile phone. For tablets, I currently have only the customized version of the website on, because there is more space for content and design and tablets are often also used in wlan.
In addition to the AMP version, I have donated support to the Progressive Web Apps website, so that you can now save the website as an app icon on the home screen of a mobile device, for example, to make it easier to get access to my current it law news. to have.