- Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg und FSM erreichen einen Vergleich im Streit um das JusProg Programm zum Schutz von Minderjährigen.
- JusProg e. V. wird innerhalb von zwei Monaten Anträge auf Eignungsprüfungen für iOS und Android stellen.
- Das Verfahren hat die Bedeutung moderner Jugendschutzsysteme hervorgehoben und könnte Fortschritte im Bereich Medienkompetenz fördern.
Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg (mabb) and Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Dienstanbieter e. V. (FSM), as well as JusProg e. V. as a respondent, have reached a settlement before the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg in summary proceedings concerning the “JusProg” program for the protection of minors. The subject of the summary proceedings was the immediate enforceability of the KJM’s decision to invalidate the recognition of “JusProg”.
As part of the settlement, JusProg e. V. has undertaken to submit applications to the FSM for suitability assessments of “JusProg” for iOS and Android and for “JusProgDNS” within two months. In return, mabb assures that it will lift the order of immediate execution in its decision of May 16, 2019 if the application is successful. Until that time, it will not take any enforcement or enforcement action.
“The KJM’s decision on 15 May 2019 to declare the FSM’s review of ‘JusProg’ as a suitable youth protection program ineffective has highlighted the importance of modern technical youth media protection systems and set a lot in motion,” says DLM Chairman Dr. Wolfgang Kreißig, who was Chairman of the KJM until the end of 2019. Since then, a number of providers would make promising efforts to make their offerings compliant with youth protection in the foreseeable future with new technological developments. The acting KJM chairman Dr. Marc Jan Eumann welcomes the commitment of the association JusProg e. V. to present an operating system-independent solution as well as an extension of “JusProg” for mobile devices for approval in the near future. “If ‘JusProg’ meets the requirements of the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media with these enhancements, we will be much closer to the protection effect intended by the legislator.
– and cross-system protection effect of a youth protection program,” says Dr. Eumann.
The amicable settlement relates only to the summary proceedings and has no binding effect on the main proceedings. A decision by the Berlin Administrative Court is still pending in this case.