- Der Podcast beschreibt die Herausforderungen des Urheberrechts im digitalen Zeitalter und die EU Urheberrechtsreform, insbesondere Artikel 17.
- Die Bedeutung von Text- und Datenanalysen für Forschung und Künstliche Intelligenz wird erläutert, einschließlich ihrer rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen.
- Einige Herausforderungen und Chancen im Zusammenhang mit NFTs und digitaler Kunst werden behandelt, zusammen mit den Vor- und Nachteilen von Open Source Lizenzen.
This insightful 20-minute podcast episode by and with me explores the complex topic of copyright in the digital age. The episode provides a comprehensive overview of current developments and challenges at the intersection of law and technology. The episode begins with a concise introduction to the basics of copyright law and its growing importance in the digital world. The impact of the EU copyright reform is then analyzed in detail, with a particular focus on Article 17 and its consequences for platforms and users. Another focus is on the topic of text and data mining, whose legal framework and significance for research and AI development are explained. The episode also looks at the fascinating world of NFTs and digital art, discussing the associated copyright challenges and opportunities. The episode is rounded off with a look at open source licenses, their pros and cons for businesses and best practices for their use. This informative episode is aimed at both legal experts and interested laypersons and offers a balanced view of the areas of tension between copyright protection and digital innovation. With concrete examples, expert opinions and understandable explanations of complex concepts, the podcast provides valuable insights into a topic that will have a significant impact on the digital future.