- Innovative Geschäftsmodelle sind oft rechtlich riskant und erfordern mehr rechtliche Unterstützung, so erklärt Marian Härtel.
- Wesentliche Bedeutung liegt in einer gründlichen rechtlichen Due Diligence vor Investitionen, um potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen.
- Echte Start-ups bieten einen wesentlichen Wettbewerbsvorteil, während Copycats oft an Skalierbarkeit scheitern.
- Erfolg im Unternehmertum fordert Kraft, Ausdauer und die Bereitschaft, berechnete Risiken einzugehen, wie inspirierende Geschichten zeigen.
In this exciting episode of our podcast, we take a deep dive into the world of innovative business models. Our host Marian Härtel, an experienced lawyer in the field of IT law and media law, sheds light on the legal challenges and the enormous potential that lies in groundbreaking ideas.
Why are innovative business models often legally riskier and require more legal advice? Marian clearly explains how to find the balance between higher costs for legal advice and the potential economic benefits. Using exciting examples from his own practice, he demonstrates the importance of thorough legal due diligence before investors get involved.
We also talk about the magnetic attraction of innovative ideas to investors and why copycats are easy to realize but often fail due to scalability. In contrast, truly innovative start-ups are remembered and can offer a real competitive advantage.
Of course, we also look at the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship. Marian shares inspiring success stories like Airbnb, but doesn’t gloss over the challenges and potential setbacks. Courage, perseverance and a willingness to take calculated risks are essential on the road to success.
Look forward to an entertaining episode full of valuable insights, personal anecdotes and a good dose of humor. Whether you’re toying with an innovative business idea yourself or are simply fascinated by entrepreneurship – this episode is a must for anyone who loves the adventure of entrepreneurship!