- Der Autor hat entschieden, dass seine Frau Saskia als selbständige Person in die Firma einsteigt.
- Saskia bringt umfangreiche berufliche Erfahrung aus renommierten Unternehmen mit, darunter CMS Hasche Sigle und Bombardier. <liDer Autor ist überzeugt, dass Saskias Know-how ein großer Vorteil für die Kunden sein wird.
As already announced, this will be an exciting year. One reason for this is that, after intensive discussions with my wife, I decided that she should also join the firm as a self-employed person. So we are taking a full risk.
My wife Saskia has enormous professional experience, e.g. as an assistant at CMS Hasche Sigle, MyToys, Bombardier, Shearmann & Sterling, Grolman. Result, KFW, Allen & Overy and several other positions.
I am therefore convinced that my wife’s concentrated know-how and experience will be a great asset to all existing and future clients.
Let’s get it done. Welcome to the team!