- Ungleichbehandlung aufgrund von Geschlecht ist laut AGG verboten; es sollten mehr als nur "männlich" und "weiblich" angeboten werden.
- Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Bestimmungen kann zu rechtlichen Konsequenzen führen, wie im Fall von Deutsche Bahn, die hohe Geldstrafen zahlen musste.
In this insightful video, we shed light on an often overlooked topic: gender information in registration forms on websites.
First, we use illustrative examples to show why the common practice of only offering “male” and “female” is problematic.
Many people with diverse gender identities feel excluded and discriminated against as a result.
But then I myself, as a lawyer, have my say and give urgent advice on the legal situation.
I explain that the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender – and not just for binary options, but also for diverse gender identities.
Website operators who only offer “male” and “female” run the risk of violating the AGG.
I illustrate the possible consequences using the example of Deutsche Bahn, which was sued and had to pay a hefty fine.
I emphasize that this risk not only affects large companies, but all providers of goods and services – including start-ups with online stores and digital platforms.
I urge viewers to take this issue seriously and check their registration forms thoroughly.
My advice: offer at least a third option such as “diverse” or do without the gender query altogether if it is not absolutely necessary.
This will help you avoid legal pitfalls and show your appreciation for diversity at the same time.
Finally, I would like to refer you to our detailed blog post on this topic, which you can find here.
There we go into even more detail and provide further valuable tips for a non-discriminatory design of your website.
This video is a must for all website operators who want to be legally compliant and inclusive.
Take a look and find out more about this important topic!