Terms and Conditions and Prohibited Clauses
Prohibited clauses in player contracts of esport teams A few days ago, I reported how many types of contracts are...
Marian Härtel ist spezialisiert auf die Rechtsgebiete Wettbewerbsrecht, Urheberrecht und IT/IP Recht und hat seinen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Computerspiele, Esport, Marketing und Streamer/Influencer. Er betreut Startups im Aufbau, begleitet diese bei sämtlichen Rechtsproblemen und unterstützt sie im Business Development.
Prohibited clauses in player contracts of esport teams A few days ago, I reported how many types of contracts are...
The Federal Association of Consumer Centres and Consumer Associations, Consumer Association of the German Federal Association of Consumers, sued Amazon...
Few people know The vast majority of people, let's say the "non-legally educated" people will probably associate the abbreviation GTC...
Traders on Ebay should be careful that non-German traders misuse their own VAT ID. The reason for this behavior are...
The subject is actually ancient and yet I see it again and again. Just in a current mandate, an incorrectly...
Yesterday the hearing took place in the sports committee of the Bundestag and with a few exceptions no one really...
The issue of disruptive liability often makes lawyers frighten enough, because it is a very German legal construct that has...
As I have already written in various posts and on my information page, four basic rules should be observed when...
Time and again I see uncleanly formulated legal choice clauses in terms and conditions of online shops or other services....
Travel expense accounting is important My article yesterday on the risk of tax and/or social security audits generated some feedback....
Streamer/Influencer and Control I have often pointed out that for many new users of social media channels such as streamers,...
As a supplement to my article from yesterday , I would also like to add a brief outline of commissions...
When creating player contracts in esports or advising teams, I always get asked about transfer fees. But what are transfer...
The question of whether a website nowadays, at least if it processes customer data in any way, must be SSL-encrypted...
For a while, but at the moment it has been a lot of time, there is a quite "trick" behavior...
The Heidelberg District Court has fined the operator of several piracy servers for the online game Metin2. The judgment was...
In the last blog articles I had written a few times regarding the separation of advertising and content, especially with...
So i.m. reached a potentially relevant verdict of the OLG Munich, because although it is based on the checkout page...
So slowly the topic of influencers and advertising in Stream, Twitter and on Instagram is being dealt with by more...
As many have already noticed, I am usually quite neutral and report on the latest judgments and developments in IT...
The development of my legal website ITMediaLaw in 2024 has been impressive. What started as a small information platform has...
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Introduction The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV), often referred to simply as the Federal Ministry of Justice,...
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