- Das Landgericht Augsburg befasste sich mit einer umstrittenen Ebay-Auktion über einen Goldbarren, dessen Echtheit nicht überprüft wurde.
- Der Käufer argumentierte, dass der Verkäufer Replikate nicht anbieten dürfe, da es gegen eBay's Richtlinien verstoße.
- Das Gericht wies die Klage ab, da die Beschreibung des Artikels klar die Unechtheit des Barren angab.
- Der Urteil des Landgerichts vom 19.12.2018 bleibt endgültig bestehen und die Berufung wurde als unbegründet zurückgewiesen.
The issue of Ebay has become a collection of court decisions. An interesting decision is currently being made by the District Court of Augsburg, which is referring to an auction called “Gold barren 1 OZ (UNZE) Credit Suisse – bars in the blister” and the description “I have taken this information from the blister. The bar was not taken out of the blister. Therefore, the authenticity has not been verified. I sell it as a fake. Only make or buy bids if they agree to them.” had to decide whether the buyer could withdraw or contest the auction if it was determined after the purchase that it was not real gold.
The buyer remained the highest bidder with a bid of 1,060 euros. He argues that under eBay’s terms, the seller was not allowed to offer the ingots at all because it was a replica.
The district court dismissed the action on the court, since it is not possible to declaim a deception in the comprehensive assessment of the description of the article. In the description there is the note that the bar has not been tested for authenticity and in large highlighted letters the note “I sell it as unauthentic“. In the overall view, the General Court therefore took the view that the authenticity of the ingot was questionable on the basis of the description and that this was sufficiently expressed in the description of the article.
The appeal against the judgment of the district court was rejected as unfounded by the district court. The judgment of the district court of 19.12.2018 is therefore final.