- Die Grüne Partei bringt einen Antrag zu eSports im Bundestag ein, nach einem Positionspapier.
- Der Antrag fordert stärkere politische Unterstützung für eSports und betont die Autonomie des Sports.
- Wichtige Themen sind Suchtrisiken, Gesundheitsförderung und die Einführung einheitlicher Anti-Doping-Regeln.
The Green Party has introduced a motion on esports in the Bundestag. After the position paper on esports, this is the second commitment on the subject of esports. The motion will be discussed tomorrow.
The motion was submitted by the members of parliament Monika Lazar, Erhard Grundl, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Tabea Rößner, Lisa Paus, Omid Nouripour, Margit Stumpp, Dr. Kirsten Kappert-Gonther, Dieter Janecek, Corinna Rüffer, Katja Dörner, Luise Amtsberg, Canan Bayram, Anna Christmann, Ekin Deligöz, Kai Gehring, Britta Haßelmann, Katja Keul, Sven Christian Kindler, Dr. Irene Mihalic, Filiz Polat, Dr. Manuela Rottmann and Stefan Schmidt.
Parallel to the inclusion of eSports in non-profit law, the development of the discipline of eSports, which is still quite young compared to “traditional” sports, should be accompanied and supported more intensively by politics as a whole while preserving the autonomy of sport and, in return, organized eSports should be held more accountable for
various issues. With the recognition of the non-profit nature of eSports, its risks must also be addressed at the same time, and measures must be promoted with regard to the risk of addiction, prevention and health promotion, or gender equality in eSports, among other things. Organized eSports must also establish and implement a uniform set of anti-doping rules with a corresponding doping control system together with the National Anti Doping Agency (NADA).