Welcome to the knowledge base of ITMediaLaw
- Artists' Social Insurance Fund (KSK) and KSK levy
- Bundestag
- Commercial register
- Data Protection Conference (DSK)
- District Court
- Ecj
- ENISA (European Cybersecurity Agency)
- EU Commission
- Association (e.V.)
- Cooperative
- Corporation
- Corporations
- Entrepreneurial company (UG)
- European Company / Societas Europaea (SE)
- European Cooperative Society (SCE)
- European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
- Foundation
- GbR - civil law partnership
- General partnership (OHG)
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (GmbH & Co. KGaA)
- GmbH - limited liability company
- GmbH & Co KG
- GmbH & Co. OHG
- Independent professional association
- Investment stock corporation with variable capital
- Limited (Ltd.)
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Limited partnership (KG)
- Asset Deal
- Brokerage contract
- Buy-out contracts
- Cloud service contract
- Co-production contract
- Contract for work
- Domain registration contract
- Electronic forms of contract conclusion in the software sector
- Escrow agreement
- ESOP agreement
- Hosting contract
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service contract (IaaS)
- IT project contract
- Joint Development Agreement
- Leasing contract
- Letter of Intent (LOI)
- License agreement
- Loan agreement
- Loan agreement
- Management buy-out agreement (MBO)
- Marketing contract Influencer / Streamer
- Memorandum / Articles of Association
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- NDA - non-disclosure agreement
- Open source license
- Platform-as-a-Service contract (PaaS)
- Player contract (Esport)
- Press wholesale distribution agreement
- Publishing contract
- Research Collaboration Agreement
- Scrum contract
- Service contract
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Share Deal
- Software development contract
- Software maintenance contract
- Software transfer agreement
- Sponsored Research Agreement
- Successive delivery contract
- Terms
- VSOP program
- White Label Agreement
- Arbitrage clause
- Arbitration clause
- Audit clause
- Break-Up Fee
- Change of control clause
- Clause bans
- Contractual penalty clause
- Customer protection clause
- Drag-Along Clause
- Anti-dilution
- Bad Leaver
- Bridge Financing
- Business Angel
- Cap table
- Cliff
- Convertible loan / Convertible note
- Corporate Venture Capital (CVC)
- Crowdfunding
- Down Round
- Financing through tokens/blockchain
- Full Ratchet
- Art Copyright Act
- Art Copyright Act (KUG)
- Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act)
- Asset Investment Act (VermAnlG)
- Button solution
- Button solution
- Civil Code (BGB)
- Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)
- Commercial Code (HGB)
- Constitution
- Consumer Protection Act
- Copyright Act
- Corporation Tax Act (KStG)
- Crypto Value Transfer Ordinance - KryptoWTransferV
- Data Act
- Design Act (DesignG)
- Digital Markets Act (DMA)
- Digital Operational Reliability Act (DORA)
- Digital Service Act
- Digital Services Act (DDigG)
- DLT Pilot Regime
- e-Privacy Policy
- Electronic Securities Act - eWpG
- Electronic Securities Register Ordinance - eWpRV
- Employee Inventions Act (ArbnErfG)
- ePrivacy Regulation
- EU Treaty
- Federal Vacation Act (BUrlG)
- Film Subsidies Act (FFG)
- Fiscal Code (AO)
- Future Financing Act (ZuFinG)
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- German Banking Act (KWG)
- German Investment Act (VermAnlG)
- German Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbHG)
- German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
- Growth Opportunities Act (WachChG)
- Income Tax Act (EStG)
- Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act (ErbStG)
- Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV)
- Investment Tax Act (InvStG)
- IT Security Act (ITSiG)
- Lawyers' Compensation Act (RVG)
- Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR).
- Media State Treaty
- Money Laundering Act (GwG)
- Network Enforcement Act
- NIS Directive
- Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG)
- Price Indication Ordinance (PAngV)
- Prospectus Regulation (EU)
- Service Information Obligations Ordinance (DL-InfoV)
- Software patent
- State Treaty on Gaming - GlüStV
- Telecommunications Act (TKG)
- Telecommunications Act (TKG)
- Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG)
- Telemedia Act (TMG)
- Trade Regulation Act (GewO)
- Trade Secrets Act
- Trade Tax Act (GewStG):
- Trademark Act (MarkenG)
- Uwg
- Value Added Tax Act (UStG)
- Working Hours Act (ArbZG)
- Youth Protection Act
- Action for performance
- Adhesion procedure
- Adjudication
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Appeal against denial of leave to appeal
- Appointment
- Counterclaim
- Declaratory action
- Default judgment
- Acceptance
- Appeal against non-admission
- Burden of proof
- Business basis
- Challenge
- Condiction
- Culpa in contrahendo
- Debtor default
- Declaration of injunction
- Dissent
- Disturbing liability
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