- Der IT Media Law Podcast ist gestartet, um Rechtsfragen im Bereich IT und Medien zu behandeln.
- PODCASTING ermöglicht eine persönlicheren Ansatz zur Diskussion komplexer Themen und aktuelle Trends im IT-Bereich.
- Feedback und Themenvorschläge für zukünftige Episoden sind willkommen, um den Podcast langfristig zu etablieren.
Dear readers, I’m delighted to tell you about my latest project today: I’m currently experimenting with podcasting!
After many years of blogging and writing, I wanted to try out a new medium to share my knowledge and experience in the field of IT law and media.
The IT Media Law Podcast has been launched
I recently recorded and published the first episode of my podcast “IT Media Law”.
In this podcast, I would like to regularly discuss exciting and relevant topics from the fields of IT, media law, gaming and much more.
In the first episode, I give an overview of what this podcast will be about and what listeners can expect in future episodes.
I talk about current developments and trends in the IT industry, share my experience as a lawyer and advisor to start-ups and companies and address the challenges posed by new technologies such as artificial intelligence.
Experiments with a new format
Podcasting is still new territory for me and I see it as an exciting experiment.
In contrast to blogging, the audio format allows for a more personal approach and the opportunity to discuss complex topics in more detail.
I’m looking forward to your feedback on the first episode and welcome suggestions for topics and ideas for future episodes.
As I am still in the experimental phase, there is no fixed publication rhythm yet.
But I am working on establishing the podcast as a regular format in the long term.
Listen in and stay tuned!
If you’re curious, listen to the first episode: – [IT Media Law Podcast Übersichtsseite] – [Episode 1: What is this actually about?] I would be delighted if you would subscribe to the podcast and let me know what you think.
Let’s explore the exciting world of IT law together – now also in audio format!
Best regards Marian Härtel