- Metaverse ist eine digitale Welt, die von realen Individuen gestaltet und erlebt wird.
- Ein Event in Zurich behandelt Metaverse, NFT und rechtliche Aspekte des Blockchain-Rechts.
- Die GamesCoin Group entwickelt ein Ökosystem für Blockchain-Spiele und digitale Vermögenswerte.
Behind the term metaverse is a digital world controlled, shaped and lived by real individuals. What sounds to many like the stuff of a science fiction movie is already pure reality, on a new level, socially and economically.
The main topics are
- Fundamentals, NFT’s and Blockchains.
- Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
- Legal aspects: Data protection, regulatory issues, tax law and other aspects.
- Use cases from art, sports and gaming
- Business models
My presentation will go from 14:00-14:30 with the following content:
“Digital assets are currently the talk of the town, but the confidence of potential buyers is suffering. The reason is that the buzzword “NFT” is used too often and too much as a pure buzzword. True blockchain logic is not even present in many projects.
The GamesCoin Group wants to change that and is currently developing an ecosystem and game currency around the publishing and marketing of blockchain games and the use of NFT and unified payment tokens.
In addition, legal marketplaces around the topic of digital assets are in the planning and development stage. Marian Härtel, General Counsel of GamesCoin Group, Managing Director of Digital Assets Gate GmbH and attorney for IT, gaming and blockchain law will present the full story in his presentation.
A legal sweep of the metaverse, gaming industry, and NFT trading, garnished with the challenges of financial regulation in the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Read more here.