- Erstellen Sie eigene Produktfotos, um rechtlichen Problemen beim Verkauf auf Kleiderkreis vorzubeugen.
- Warnungen ernst nehmen: Kontaktieren Sie mich für eine Beratung über die nächsten Schritte nach Erhalt einer Warnung.
- Prüfen Sie die Unterlassungserklärung vor der Unterzeichnung, um Fallen und Probleme zu vermeiden.
Since I have now seen some warnings in the last few weeks concerning the platform clothes circle, on which you can sell used garments both via app and on the web, here is the short hint that you can take the pictures for the offers to be posted there. should necessarily create it yourself.
The use of product photos from well-known online shops or those found via Google image search can quickly lead to unexpected costs. Even if there are numerous defenses against such a warning (it depends on many details), the product photos created by professional photographers can quickly lead to high damages (based on the so-called so-called MFM-Honorartabelle), which are then accompanied by legal fees.
In principle, the following applies:
- The warning should always be taken seriously. Send me the warning via my contact form without obligation and I will advise you on the next steps.
- Although you should not be put under pressure by short deadlines, you should still pay attention to them. In competition law, short deadlines are usually permissible and a violation can result in expensive injunctions.
- Do not sign the injunction attached to the warning without having checked it in advance. Even in the case of a legitimate warning, numerous traps and problems may lurk in the declaration of injunction. I can advise you at low cost and design a modified declaration of injunction.
- Never contact the reminder in advance, either by phone or email.
I am happy to be available for an initial assessment of such a warning via phone, e-mail or chat.