- Das Finanzgericht in Berlin entschied, dass eine vollständige Adresse in der Widerrufserklärung erforderlich ist, keine Postfachadresse.
- Im Vertrag müssen Informationen über die Frist und die Einreichung des Widerrufs gemäß BGB bereitgestellt werden.
On the subject of “loadable address”, information in the imprint but also information in the revocation declaration, I have already published some contents here in the blog, e.g. that a mailbox in the imprint is not sufficient or under what conditions an artist’s name in the imprint is sufficient. The latter is also relevant for streamers and influencers.
The Chamber Court in Berlin has just made a decision on the question of the address in a revocation declaration. After that, there must also be a complete address. A mailbox address is therefore not sufficient (contrary to the requirements for a revocation instruction under the law in force before 11.06.2010), but it is necessary to specify a road, hauof and postcode.
- Pursuant to Article 247(6) (6) 2 p. 1 EGBGB must provide in the contract not only the information on the time limit for the exercise of a right of withdrawal in accordance with Section 495 of the German Civil Code (BGB), but also information on “other circumstances for the declaration of revocation”. According to the general opinion, this includes, among other things, the communication to whom and by which means the revocation can be declared.
The absence of comments on this may therefore not only constitute a reason for warning, but also to ensure that the withdrawal period does not begin to run and that consumers thus withdraw contracts and pay them until forfeiture or other reasons have occurred. can recover funds.