AI-generated content: Legal pitfalls and tips for companies

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In this video, lawyer Marian Härtel explains the complex legal situation surrounding AI-generated content.
Find out who owns the rights to this content and what risks exist when using it, and we cover the following topics: – Copyright classification of AI products – Who owns the rights to AI-generated content?
– Risks of commercial use (copyright infringements, lack of exclusivity) – Contractual pitfalls in the use of AI services – Practical tips for the legally compliant handling of AI content Learn why AI-generated content generally does not enjoy copyright protection and what consequences this has for companies.
We also shed light on the gray area between human creativity and AI support.
Whether you already use AI tools or are planning to use them, this video provides important insights for anyone who wants to work with AI-generated content in a legally compliant manner.

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Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel ist spezialisiert auf die Rechtsgebiete Wettbewerbsrecht, Urheberrecht und IT/IP Recht und hat seinen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Computerspiele, Esport, Marketing und Streamer/Influencer. Er betreut Startups im Aufbau, begleitet diese bei sämtlichen Rechtsproblemen und unterstützt sie im Business Development.

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