Contract for work and services vs. service contract: key differences for IT, software and esports

Here’s a video description for that links to the blog post: Contract for Work vs Contract for Service: Key Differences for IT, Software and Esports In this insightful video, we dive into the world of contract drafting in the digital age.
We highlight the important differences between contracts for work and service contracts and their significance for the IT, software and esports sectors.
Find out more about: – The legal basics of contracts for work and services – Practical application examples in software development – Contract drafting for freelancers and programmers – Special features in the SaaS sector – Contractual challenges in the Esports industry This video offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs, developers, freelancers and anyone working in the digital sector.
Understand the legal implications of your contracts and make informed decisions for your projects.
For a detailed analysis of the topic, visit our in-depth blog post.
Stay informed about the latest developments in IT and media law and scroll through this video section!  

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Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel ist spezialisiert auf die Rechtsgebiete Wettbewerbsrecht, Urheberrecht und IT/IP Recht und hat seinen Schwerpunkt im Bereich Computerspiele, Esport, Marketing und Streamer/Influencer. Er betreut Startups im Aufbau, begleitet diese bei sämtlichen Rechtsproblemen und unterstützt sie im Business Development.

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