- Rechtsbeistand für Start-ups und Investoren in IT, Medien, Blockchain und Künstlicher Intelligenz.
- Wichtige Rechtsüberprüfung und Unterstützung bei Investitionsverträgen.
- Strategische Planung von Investitionen und innovative Finanzierungsmodelle.
- Unterstützung von der Gründung bis zur Expansion von Unternehmen.
In this insightful video, lawyer Marian Härtel explains how he provides legal support to start-ups and investors in the fields of IT, media, blockchain and artificial intelligence. As an experienced expert in corporate law and investment advice, he offers valuable insights into the complex world of corporate finance and investment. Topics in the video:
– Specialization in innovative industries and technologies
– Legal support for investment contracts
– Importance of legal due diligence
– Strategic planning of investments
– Innovative financing models (coins, tokens)
– Legal challenges in IT, media, blockchain and AI
– Support from foundation to expansion Learn how attorney Härtel helps startups and investors achieve their entrepreneurial goals while ensuring legal security. For detailed information on my investment advisory services, please visit this page.
Contact us for an individual consultation and benefit from our expertise in the legal and strategic support of investments and corporate financing.