Legal organization and entrepreneurial structuring of influencer start-ups and personal brands
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Honesty and fair pricing for start-ups (SaaS, mobile apps and digital services)
Creating contracts with face models and voice models: A guide for the gaming industry
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Support with the foundation
Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in corporate disputes
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Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Beware of fake streaming offers
Data trusteeship in IoT projects

Management contracts for OnlyFans are important

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Key Facts
  • OnlyFans erfordert besondere rechtliche Aufmerksamkeit für das Management von Inhalten und Zielgruppen.
  • Persönliche Rechte, Urheberrecht und der Schutz von Minderjährigen sind entscheidende Faktoren.
  • Verträge mit OnlyFans Kreatoren sollten sorgfältig formuliert werden, um rechtliche Fallstricke zu vermeiden.
  • Ein professioneller Ansatz maximiert das Potenzial von OnlyFans für Künstler und Manager.

OnlyFans is booming – but managing creators on this platform is not without its legal pitfalls.
In this video, lawyer Marian Härtel shows what managers and agencies need to pay attention to in order to provide their OnlyFans artists with the best possible support and to protect themselves legally.
Find out – which content and target group-specific features need to be taken into account with OnlyFans, – why personal rights, copyright and the protection of minors play a major role here in particular, – what you should definitely bear in mind when drafting contracts with OnlyFans creators and – how you can exploit the full potential of this platform with a professional approach.
As an experienced lawyer in the field of influencer law and the media industry, Marian Härtel is your ideal contact for all questions relating to the management of OnlyFans artists.
With his expertise, he will help you to operate successfully and with legal certainty in this exciting but also challenging market environment.
You can also find all the details on the legal aspects of OnlyFans management in our detailed blog post:  

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