- Die Interview mit ZAP - Zeitschrift für die Anwaltspraxis behandelt Aufgaben von Rechtsanwälten in der Spielindustrie.
- Wichtige Themen sind Vertragsgestaltung, Staatliche Förderungen und die internationalen Marktstrategien von Spieleentwicklern.
Today an exciting interview with me went online, which the “ZAP – Zeitschrift für die Anwaltspraxis” published. The journal is aimed primarily at practitioners among legal colleagues. In the interview, I was mainly asked questions about the computer games industry, but also about my everyday life as a games lawyer.
Concrete example: What are the classic tasks of a lawyer who advises gaming companies or accompanies the development of a game? Classic cases, apart from the establishment of start-up developers and their support in state funding mechanisms, are mainly the creation of so-called publishing contracts. This is just to be present internationally as well, it’s about the distribution and marketing around a game and the rights of use. A game developer who only sees Germany as a sales market cannot survive, especially in the mobile games sector. In the case of game developers, one then usually covers the entire range from cooperation to employment contracts. Later, however, it is also about merchandising or licenses, for example when well-known characters from a game are marketed.
The full interview is available here.