Marian Härtel
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03322 5078053

Generative AI in computer game development?

I recently had the opportunity to speak with International Games Magazine (IGM) about the use of Generative AI in game development. The full interview will be published in the next issue of IGM (10/23). In the meantime, you can get a taste of the interview on the IGM website.

In the interview, I discussed various aspects of using Generative AI in game development. Here are some of my thoughts highlighted in the article:

“AI doesn’t copy – it hallucinates. An AI doesn’t copy texts and rewrite them – it actually reinvents the content. That’s why I don’t think it’s such a big copyright issue.”

I also stressed the importance of transparency in the use of AI:

“Companies should have processes in place to track the source of assets, who reviewed them, and who adjusted them. In return, you can also track the assets. So it’s all about documentation – and appropriate wording in the contracts.”

And finally, I highlighted the role of AI in game development:

“In the past, you had to animate things by hand – now there’s an AI behind it. In half an hour you can use it to create a complete 3D world, with automatically populated areas, wind, trees and so on. All of this is procedurally generated – with the help of AI. It’s far from a finished game, though.”

I look forward to you reading the full interview in the next issue of IGM. Until then, I invite you to read the full article on the IGM website and learn more about the exciting possibilities that Generative AI offers for game development.

Thanks Achim Fehrenbach for the funny phone call and my argument why “orcs” now look the same in every game is kind of unbeatable, isn’t it?

Picture of Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel

Marian Härtel is a lawyer and entrepreneur specializing in copyright law, competition law and IT/IP law, with a focus on games, esports, media and blockchain.


03322 5078053


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