- Der Bericht des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Deutschen Parlaments warnt vor den Gefahren von Alexa für Kinder und B besucher.
- Datenübertragungen erfolgen oft ohne das Wissen von Kindern und Besuchern, was Rechtsschutz erfordern könnte.
The German Parliament’s Scientific Service has produced an expert report warning about the dangers of Alexa (and other similar gadgets are not exempt) for children and visitors.
While you, as the owner of such a device, are aware of the data transfers and have usually accepted the corresponding privacy policy (without reading it, of course), this is usually not the case with children and especially guests. If they do not even say the keyword, data will be transferred to Amazon, Google or the other operators without their knowledge. In addition, it remains unclear, at least for Amazon, “for what other purposes Amazon could use its data in the future,” the report states.
Even if the government itself is not responsible for limiting possible misuse by providers, and the data protection problem in families and the like should therefore probably only serve as a warning to thoughtful use, this can certainly look different in the business sector. If there is a voice assistant in the business area and if customers or even business partners are possibly affected by the data transfers, in whatever way they happen, a lack of clarification of customers could also lead to the intervention of data protection authorities in the future or, in the worst case, to a warning from competitors.
I am not currently aware of any legal disputes in this regard. However, one should be aware of the problems as a store provider or small business owner. Fittingly, this article should be interesting. In terms of labor law, too, for example in an office, it should be well considered whether data protection with regard to entrepreneurs is complied with if voice assistance systems are installed there.