Streamer and Marketing: Warning Trap?
What is it all about? There is also a great competition between streamers and influencers. Twitch channels are now en...
Marian Härtel ist Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für IT-Recht mit einer über 25-jährigen Erfahrung als Unternehmer und Berater in den Bereichen Games, E-Sport, Blockchain, SaaS und Künstliche Intelligenz. Seine Beratungsschwerpunkte umfassen neben dem IT-Recht insbesondere das Urheberrecht, Medienrecht sowie Wettbewerbsrecht. Er betreut schwerpunktmäßig Start-ups, Agenturen und Influencer, die er in strategischen Fragen, komplexen Vertragsangelegenheiten sowie bei Investitionsprojekten begleitet. Dabei zeichnet sich seine Beratung durch einen interdisziplinären Ansatz aus, der juristische Expertise und langjährige unternehmerische Erfahrung miteinander verbindet. Ziel seiner Tätigkeit ist stets, Mandanten praxisorientierte Lösungen anzubieten und rechtlich fundierte Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung innovativer Geschäftsmodelle zu gewährleisten.
What is it all about? There is also a great competition between streamers and influencers. Twitch channels are now en...
The Finanzgericht Münster had to decide on the conditions under which participation in poker tournaments, Internet poker events and cash...
In a report from the Hamburger Sportbund last Friday Should an e-sports department be located in a sports club in...
As I have pointed out several times in posts, the risk of running into the warning trap, especially from young,...
Over the past year, there has been a lot of discussion in the games industry about whether professional YouTubers or...
At the moment, there seems to be a new round of warnings if, in the case of online retailers, in...
I mentioned it in my article on the DOSB, but I would like to make a short extra post about...
In recent weeks, I have received numerous inquiries regarding the imprint requirement for Twitch streamers and YouTubers. Therefore, I decided...
Since I have received some questions in the last few days regarding esport in Germany, I would also like to...
Yesterday I published my comment on the current decision of the DOSB. On news and on social media, there was...
Introduction Currently, the DOSB's decision on esport is being discussed very controversially. I would also like to take this opportunity...
The situation Currently, not too many esport tournaments of current rank are taking place in Germany, but more and more,...
As mentioned in the previous article, many games that use Free2Play as a distribution model may also be in breach...
In a case I am representing, the question currently arises, in addition to numerous other problems, as to whether the...
Loot boxes are a phenomenon that comes from the Free2Play area in Asia, and is now found in almost all...
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