- Aktuell werden E-Mail-Fälschungen von Versäumnisurteilen verbreitet, die eine Zahlung von 33.000,00 Euro fordern.
- Ein angebliches Win Keles 49 Online-Casino wird erwähnt, um Empfänger zur Kontaktaufnahme zu bewegen.
- Fälschungen sind erkennbar, da die Kompetenz und Aktenzeichen unplausibel sind.
- Empfohlene Handlung ist, die E-Mail zu löschen und bei Bedarf Strafanzeige zu erstatten.
Current seem to be sent by e-mail forgeries of default judgments, which want to achieve the call to a number, allegedly a law firm in Nuremberg, by pretending that the recipient must otherwise pay 33,000.00 euros + costs to a Win Keles 49 online casino lottery.
Fortunately, the excerpt of the judgment is relatively badly falsified, because neither (with exceptions in tenancy law) is a district court at all competent for a claim of 33,000.00 euros, nor is it likely that such a judgment would bear a file number from 2011. Section 313a of the Code of Civil Procedure is also not relevant here, because there would of course be legal remedies against a default judgment.
The easiest way is probably to simply delete the email. You do a favor to other recipients, who may be less confident in dealing with such an email, if you actually file criminal charges.