- Die Dokumente sind jetzt kostenlos und beinhalten Standardtexte für Verträge.
- Ein Muster zur Übereignung von Sponsoring-Artikeln ist verfügbar, ideal für eSports-Teams.
- Es wird empfohlen, vor der Verwendung individuelle Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
- Der standardisierte NDA ist jetzt auf Englisch verfügbar und anpassbar.
Since someone pointed me out today about a download error in my shop, I cleaned up a little bit there and also made all the simple documents free of charge.
The documents are standard texts and should either only be used if you know how to deal with contracts or if you have been advised on them beforehand. I do not accept any liability for this.
First of all, I have a pattern for transferring ownership of sponsorship items. This is suitable, for example, for esports teams that want to provide their players with hardware from partners. But here, too, if you want to act professionally, it is suggested that individual advice should be considered as a matter of urgency, as these regulations may conflict with other regulations of the players or with contracts with the sponsors. Could.
Furthermore, the standard confidentiality agreement, also known as the NDA, is now available in English. This can of course be adapted so that it applies not only to players, but also possibly to sponsors etc. who do not come from Germany.