- Unprofessionalismus im Esport: Ca. 90% der Spieler verträge in Deutschland sind ungültig oder kündbar.
- Die Esport-Industrie entwickelt sich von einem Hobby zu einer kommerziellen Branche.
- Ein Beispiel ist das Call of Duty-Team, das ohne Verträge die Meisterschaft gewann.
- Betrugsmöglichkeiten: Spieler können Verträge schnell kündigen und Gewinne an sich reißen.
Recently I gave an interview to the German Lawyer Hotline about Esport, a few current topics in Esport and my career.
I quote once the most legally relevant passage
DAHAG: One of your core topics is the drafting of player contracts: What do eSports players have to pay particular attention to?
Härtel: eSports was born as a hobby and is only gradually becoming commercialized. Accordingly, the industry is still strongly characterized by unprofessionalism: I myself assume that around 90% of player contracts in Germany are invalid, unenforceable or terminable with very short notice periods. Take a look at Call of Duty: a team won the championship without any contracts. Then two days later someone wants to get out and maybe takes the profit. For the company behind the team, this is very unattractive.
More content can be found here. By the way, a video interview of a TV station on the topic of“Esport Lawyer” will follow soon. As soon as it’s shot, I’ll know more!