- Rechtskonforme Verträge und AGBs sind in der Corona-Krise entscheidend, um teure Fehler zu vermeiden.
- Der Internet-Handel und Vertragsabschlüsse müssen trotz Lockdowns weitergehen, um geschäftliche Kontinuität zu gewährleisten.
- Bereiten Sie sich mit rechtlichen Vorbereitungen vor, um nach der Krise erfolgreich zu starten.
Currently, the world is upside down because of Corona or Covid-19. Despite all measures, however, one should not ignore the fact that the world continues to turn. Also, or especially, in the area of IT.
Many of my clients now do home offices, if this was not the case before. However, I just have the feeling that some think that time will stand still in the next few weeks. This is by no means the case, especially from a legal point of view.
- Even in times of a “lock-down” or quarantine, colleagues could use errors in T&Cs, on websites, in apps, in online stores or in the various other places to send warning letters. As things stand, I see no reason why these should not be justified if the facts are correct. It is therefore easy to save money at the wrong end if contracts, general terms and conditions, data protection declarations or other documents are not legally compliant because of the crisis.
- The same applies, of course, to actions on the Internet, conclusion of contracts via the Internet and much more. Working life goes on, indeed it must go on.
- While it is within the realm of probability that some courts will be operating on skeleton staff and perhaps postponing dates over the next few weeks, this does not include things like preliminary injunctions. So these can still be applied for.
- Nor should we underestimate the fact that the crisis will hopefully come to an end at some point. Then you have to be ready to restart your business or start projects. This time can now be perfectly used to prepare them legally.
- I am also happy to answer anyone’s contract questions about the Corona virus when events have been canceled or jobs have been cancelled. In questions of labor law or travel law, however, I would ask you to consult specialized colleagues.
I still offer a free initial assessment and you can always be contacted about this via my messaging services, email or phone.