- Die SPD plant, ein rechtliches Anspruchsrecht auf Home Office durchzusetzen, um mehr Transparenz bei Ablehnungen zu schaffen.
- Unternehmen müssen künftig begründete Ablehnungen hinsichtlich der Homeoffice-Anfrage vorlegen, was bislang nicht erforderlich war.
- Sowohl Arbeitnehmer als auch Arbeitgeber sollten die Vorzüge und Herausforderungen des Home Office sorgfältig abwägen.
- Wichtige rechtliche https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnfallversicherungAspekte, insbesondere concerning Unfallversicherung, dürfen nicht vernachlässigt werden.
The topic of home offices remains on everyone’s lips. Currently, there is no right to home office, nor can an employer not force an employee to home office.
However, the SPD now wants to enforce the former. If an employee’s request for a home office is not granted, the company would have to justify why this is not possible in the future. So far, no justification is needed for denying the wish to work at home. The Federal Ministry of Labor already has a working draft for this.
While home office certainly has its advantages, this should be well thought out by both the employee (keyword: working hours, concentration, separation from private life, etc.) and the employer (keyword: team building, monitoring, documentation requirements for e.g. working hours). In addition, the insurance law aspects should be carefully checked, as in the case of statutory accident insurance, for example. I have already advised employees and employers on both sides and have also tried out the concepts in my own companies. I can advise clients comprehensively on this, including the – in my opinion – urgent distinction between true home office and – possibly occasional – telecommuting. Both things have different legal requirements to consider.