- Erstes legales Journal für Esports - bringt Rechtsfragen zu Spieler- und Sponsorenverträgen näher.
- Monatliche Fachzeitschrift für Berater und Entscheidungsträger in der Sport und e-Sports Branche.
Right now I hold in my hands the first legal journal dedicated to esports law. It aims to present esports law in practice and hopefully in this way also bring other lawyers and perhaps also courts closer to the various legal issues in player contracts or sponsorship agreements that I have to deal with on a regular basis.
It is a monthly trade journal that aims to bundle knowledge at the highest level in a practice-oriented manner and provide concrete options for action. It is aimed at consultants, decision-makers and opinion leaders and multipliers in the sports and e-sports industry.
The issue for April contains two articles on esports, namely “Esport im Lichte von Sportrecht” by Prof. Dr. Martin Nolte and Dr. Caroline Bechtel and “Das Versäumnis des Gesetzgebers in der Causa eSport und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Praxis”. On both topics together, there are now a triple-digit number of articles on all possible facets of law in esports here on the blog as well.
The first article is also dedicated to the gambling law regulation of sports values in esports, which I am currently also facing with some clients.
I am very excited to see how the magazine continues! But I am sure that it is a good sign for professional sports that such a magazine has been launched!