Legal organization and entrepreneurial structuring of influencer start-ups and personal brands
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Digitalization and contract law: Electronic signature in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation
Pentesting as a service: legal framework and contract design
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Data trusteeship in IoT projects

Fake invoices & incorrect IBANs: how to protect yourself from bank transfer fraud

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Key Facts
  • Schutz vor falschen Rechnungen und Banküberweisungsbetrug ist für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen entscheidend.
  • Relevante Gerichtsentscheidungen klären über Rechte und Pflichten im Umgang mit Betrugsverdacht auf.

In this video, we explain how you can protect yourself against fake invoices and bank transfer fraud.
We shed light on the legal aspects and give practical tips for companies and private individuals.
Contents: – Current scams: CEO fraud, fake supplier invoices and more – Legal situation: when do you have to pay twice?
– Prevention measures: How to recognize fake invoices – Immediate measures if fraud is suspected – IT security: protection against hackers and phishing attacks Find out why it is so important to carefully check invoices and bank transfers and how you should react in an emergency.
We analyze current court rulings and show what rights and obligations companies and customers have.
Whether you run a business or are a private individual – this video will help you to protect yourself effectively against bank transfer fraud and act correctly in the event of a claim.

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