- Das Wort eSport ist jetzt offiziell im Duden eingetragen, mit der Schreibweise: e-sport.
- Alternativ ist auch das neutrale e-sports akzeptiert.
- Die Entscheidung weicht von der internationalen Schreibweise ab, die von der Associated Press verwendet wird.
- Die Debatten über die Schreibweise von e-sports sind oft bedeutungslos.
There is a lot of arguing going on in e-sports. Mostly about things that are not particularly important. You might think that it belongs whether it’s called eSports, esports, or e-sports.
The Duden publishing house has now made its decision, because as of today the word is officially in the Duden. And with the following spelling: The e-sport. As an alternative to the masculine noun, the neuter “the e-sports” is also accepted.
The publisher is thus deviating from the international spelling, as the Associated Press has opted for “esports”.
So now I’m a lawyer specializing in e-sports, or “e-sports lawyer.”