- Ein Zeugeninterview auf Twitter zeigt interessante Einblicke in die Welt des Strafrechts.
- Ein Gericht beweist, dass Richter nicht nur nach Mathematik urteilen, sondern auch überzeugen müssen.
- Die Modernisierung der Gerichte könnte bedeuten, dass sie Soziale Medien besser berücksichtigen.
Apparently everyone is too warm today. The exciting verdicts are out this week and I’m also too hot in the office to come up with in-depth articles about esports, streamers or influencers. Instead, I came across three gems of everyday legal life today that I don’t want to withhold. After all, the weekend is near and alternatively you can laugh or brood about the slips 😉
Let’s start with a witness interview that @StAblabla posted on Twitter. I’m glad to see that I do almost no criminal law, but only get regular headaches from judges in intellectual property law!
what. Things are no better in civil law either, and a court recently demonstrated how true the saying “iudex non calculat” or “the judge does not calculate” is, even though this phrase actually means that judgments should be based on the court’s power of persuasion and not on pure mathematics.
Last but not least, I’m glad that courts are also becoming more modern, which may eventually bring them closer to my areas of expertise in social media law.
So far then: #InNamenDesVolkes be it #Beschlossenundverkünden that now hopefully a sunny weekend without thunderstorms awaits.